Life is like a Mountain there are so many ups and down in a way. hence, some are beautiful some are scary.. Some people say after doing so many good things in different lives (animal, insects etc.) you got a life of a human. but I think we got birth in human cause we had done so many mistakes and bad things in a past life. If today we are happy definitely we will be super sad tomorrow.

Yes, that’s life.. A life where we have to go through some happy days and more sad days.

Nobody is actual happy.. everyone has a complaint in his/her life.

Wish I could be a cloud stays in the sky go wherever I want to go, see how beautiful and stupid this world is.. where no one can judge me. See each person from the top and whoever is sad I could give him/her a hug. A hug through winds, a hug sending them positive vibes.. A hug which says ‘EVERYTHING WILL BE GOOD SOON’

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